
IMG_2072 - Version 3

I took this shot a few months ago.

I was going somewhere on a train and a young couple got on half way through my journey. It was mid-week and they were obviously on a planned trip to the city. The little girl was chattering away and both of her parents were paying her attention…. it was going to be a good day.

You can see why I took the shot. It is not a good photograph by any means and it was difficult to get. I didn’t want to be too obvious and the motion of the train, driven by someone who always wanted a sports car, was making it close to impossible to get a crisp image. I’ve fiddled with this one a bit to try to get it a bit sharper.

It’s an amazing bit of ink.

I hope they had an excellent day.

17 thoughts on “Tattoo.

    • This was a bloke who lives on the edge of our world…. just holding on….. keeping the family together….. not a lot of work around for a bloke like that…… back when I was a kid there were heaps of jobs for blokes who were ‘just holding on’ but these days you need a PHD to pick your nose. His ‘sins’ are on the outside…. I prefer that to the type that are hidden. Not the sort of bloke you would start an argument with.
      Thanks for taking the time to comment… appreciated.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Yep. Motion of the train was the hardest. Nothing to rest the phone on. Also I wanted to avoid having to talk my way out of a punch up. Got 3 shots and this one was the clearest. Thanks for the comment…… hope you are doing better.


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